Quantum Relief Solution
Divine Healing Video
All matter owes its existence to vibrating frequencies. The vibrating energy of various frequencies is behind the energetic blueprint that governs all of the molecular and biochemical processes of our bodies. Even our thoughts and emotions have their own unique vibratory energy pattern.
The events of our past can leave an energetic imprint on our emotional, mental, and physical bodies in such a way as to become the subconscious motivator of our current day behavior. These discordant frequencies can also become lodged in the crystalline structure of our tissue as well as reverberate within the water molecules that make up over 65% of our bodies. These discordant frequencies can create areas of non-coherence, leading to obstructions between the body’s energetic and cellular communication system. The breakdown of healthy frequency information can lead to weakened immunity, less than optimal organ, nervous system, brain, hormonal, and skeletal functions, as well as chronic pain. .
These codes are divine healing tools that are safe to use on everything and everybody, and have no side effects. Since they are quantum, the intent and the energy of the person using them has a little bit of 'effect' in how powerful they are going to be when they are used. In the hands of someone with a powerful heart energy--which has more to do in your strength of purpose and your ability to be actively involved in your Life's Mission and connected to source than anything else--they will work instantly.
Watch the video every morning after you wake up, and every night before you sleep, to receive the benefits of practising diving healing codes:
- Identifies what is holding us back from realizing our full potential and unique gifts.
- Opens our heart to the vibration of unlimited intelligence and the guidance it provides.
- Shifts old and limiting beliefs into positive resonances and thereby aligns us with what is positive and life-enhancing.
Things to take note:
This is energy healing, much like Reiki. If you are experienced with energy healing, this could be a great alternative or addition to the practices you already use. These codes are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you under a doctor’s care, or feel as though you need to be under a doctor’s care, please seek the advice of that doctor before attempting to replace any treatment.
If you encounter any problems with accessing your materials, just send us an email at support@yourmanifestationcode.com and we promise to get back to you promptly.
Quantum Relief Solution
Quantum Healing Codes
Divine healing codes are a quantum tool used for healing. In other words, they change reality on a quantum level. The basic premise of divine healing codes is that numbers are nature’s way of communicating and that everything can be explained with numbers. For example, the Fibonacci sequence of numbers is a geometrical proportion that is found everywhere in nature, from how flowers grow to the shape of the universe.
The order goes as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and on to infinity. Each number is the sum of the previous two. This series of numbers is known as the Fibonacci numbers or the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio between the numbers (1.618034) is frequently called the golden ratio or golden number. And, this sequence appears in nature often enough to prove that it reflects some naturally occurring patterns.
There are three really simple ways to use them:
1. Writing it on the part of the body that has discomfort, or writing it on a sticker and placing that sticker on the body where there is discomfort.
2. Writing it in the air over the part of the body that has discomfort
3. Typing out the number on your phone or tablet and then holding that device over the body part
It is also said that you set an intention for your quantum code and then add that in the ways just listed to your food or water before consuming them. How much practice, desire, intent, and trust you hold will make the difference in the healing you receive.
When use this practice, you balance the energy in your body so it can achieve self-healing.
Things to take note:
This is energy healing, much like Reiki. If you are experienced with energy healing, this could be a great alternative or addition to the practices you already use. These codes are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you under a doctor’s care, or feel as though you need to be under a doctor’s care, please seek the advice of that doctor before attempting to replace any treatment.
If you encounter any problems with accessing your materials, just send us an email at support@yourmanifestationcode.com and we promise to get back to you promptly.
Quantum Relief Solution
Suitable for Complete Beginners
Japan is home to the most active and international yoga scene in East Asia. Ashtanga yoga is commonly practised in Japan for its weight-loss and relaxation benefits.
Hana-san has been practising yoga in Japan for more than 10 years now. Today, she will be showing you a series of Ashtanga yoga moves that can help you to relieve arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, and many other types of chronic pain conditions.

Stretching Exercise 1
Target: Neck & Shoulder Pain
Causes: If your neck is chronically tense and tight, and if the muscles in your upper back and shoulders often feel as hard as a rock, you're not alone. Daily activities that involve repetitive forward movement patterns, poor posture, or holding your head in one position can often result in neck and shoulder pain.
Benefits: Practicing yoga is an excellent way to get rid of neck pain. Yoga helps to stretch tight muscles and strengthen weak ones. It promotes proper alignment, and train you to sit and stand with good posture, easing strain on your neck and shoulders.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Stretching Exercise 2
Target: Back Pain
Causes: The lower back is a sensitive spot for many people. While there can be a ton of causes of lower back pain, a weak core and poor posture from sitting all day are two really common contributing factors to lower back aches and discomfort.
Benefits: Yoga is great for working on flexibility and core stability, correcting posture, and breathing—all of which are necessary for a healthy back. Practicing yoga for even a few minutes a day can help you gain more awareness of your body, bringing yourself into balance and alignment.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Stretching Exercise 3
Target: Boost energy and promote relaxation
Causes: Sometimes unusual mental or physical exertion, stress, and lack of sleep can make people tired. On top of that, high stress level can lead to anxiety and depression in the long term.
Benefits: Yoga is a mind-body workout that includes strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and meditation and relaxation. As your body relaxes, your energy and endurance level increase, you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Things to take note:
1. While practising yoga brings many benefits for both physical and mental health, it takes time to see drastic positive changes in your mind and body. Keep practising it everyday to realise long-lasting benefits.
2. Although recent research supports yoga practice as a way to treat back pain, it may not be appropriate for everyone. Be sure to talk with your doctor before starting any new yoga or exercise program. They can help you identify any possible risks and help monitor your progress.
If you encounter any problems with accessing your materials, just send us an email at support@yourmanifestationcode.com and we promise to get back to you promptly.